Script Guide

1. Open PowerShell

Click your Windows Start button and start typing "PowerShell." Open the application


2. Change directory to your Epi_Helper folder

Use File Explorer to navigate to your Epi_Helper folder. Click the folder once, then click Copy Path in the upper left of File Explorer.

In PowerShell, type "cd", hit the spacebar, then ctrl-v to paste the Epi_Helper folder path.

Hit Enter.

Note: Your folder might be named Epi_Helper-main

3. Execute the Epi_Helper script

Type or paste the following:

python ./src/epi_helper/

Then hit Enter.


4. Review disease group settings from last month

Type y or n, followed by Enter, to answer the on-screen prompts.


5. Download MDSS report

Log into MDSS, then follow the on-screen query instructions to download MDSS disease report CSV.


6. Input the downloaded CSV into Epi_Helper

Click and drag the downloaded CSV into PowerShell. Next, click the PowerShell window once and then hit Enter.

Alternate Option: Navigate to the CSV in File Explorer. Click the CSV once, then hit Copy Path in the upper left hand corner. Use ctr-v to paste the path into PowerShell, then hit Enter.

7. Repeat steps 5 & 6 until the script terminates.

Epi_Helper generates a cleaned and preprocessed out.csv file with the relevant disease data from each MDSS csv report. The output file is optimized for use in Power BI.

Epi_Helper includes a FINAL.pbix Power BI file. This file contains the data dashboard, and connects to out.csv. To update the dashboard, open FINAL.pbix then click Refresh. After saving the file, the up-to-date dashboard may be shared according to health department protocol.

Follow the below-linked guide if this the first time you're opening FINAL.pbix after saving Epi_Helper to your computer.